About Journal

  • Introduction

    The Journal of Agricultural Big Data is China’s first agricultural science journal to comprehensively report on theoretical methods, technical applications, industry development, entity data, and other topics in the field of big data. Big data has become crucial for the development of modern agriculture, because it can be effectively applied to improve precision farming and intelligent agricultural production, and thereby support agricultural transformation. China’s rural revitalization strategy is focused on three specific agricultural issues, the countryside, and new era farmers, and it strongly encourages the assemblage of big data to benefit agricultural and rural development. To assist with the country’s overall agricultural and rural development policies in terms of transformation and improvement, this journal reports on the latest theories, methods, and results in data science research, both in China and internationally; focuses on innovation and operational management reform through data resource sharing, business collaboration, and open data; and promises to provide an academic research platform in this field, especially to support the building of an agricultural resources big data system.


    The Journal of Agricultural Big Data has a plan for electronic backup and preservation of access to the Journal's content, in case it is no longer published, the entire collection will be available at the National Agricultural Information System.

  • 2018-12-27 Visited: 17082